Vídeos Gays

Suite 703 – Sexo Gay: Ari Sylvio and Berke Banks

Ari Sylvio and Berke Banks in I’m a Married Man

Married man Ari Silvio is looking for some new things to do with his wife instead of the same old routine. He came across taking his wife on a hummer tour and wanted to tell friend Berke Banks all about it. For Banks, the word “hummer” triggers a completely different type of tour and one he is bound to take Silvio on.

ari_berke (37)

ari_berke (63)

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  1. Gostei! Adorei o branquinho, seu simpático sorriso e sua bunda gostosa. Gostaria de estar no lugar do machão peludo que o enrabou no final.

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