Vídeos Gays

Suite 703 – Sexo Gay: James Jamesson & Tommy Defendi

James Jamesson , Tommy Defendi in My Brother’s Hot Friend
Tommy is trying to help give a new coat of paint to his brother’s place when their mutual friend James shows up. They haven’t seen each other in what seems like forever, so they decide to chat while the bro is out grabbing more paint. Before long, these guys find they have something in common, and it’s between their legs. Hold on your brushes guys, you’re in store for a different kind of paint job.

james_tommy (54)

james_tommy (95)

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  1. caraaaalioooooooooooo max,tenho uma tara nesse ruivo!adorei asco!re post o video dele transando no circo de novo,please!q delicia ele,as fotos do circo,ele todo peludo,aff q taraaaa!nao gostei muito raspado!muito gostosoele,nossa mae do ceu!

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